Sunday, October 15, 2006

September 11, 2005 South West Regional USAT Championships

Since I was doing so well I wanted to end the season with a bang and decided to go to the regional championships with the hope of placing well. That wasn't what happened. Here are my results:

Swim (1/2 mile) 20:04 16th out of 32
T1 4:30
Bike (12 miles) 43:58 16.38 MPH 11th out of 32
T2 2:09
Run (3 miles) 26:43 (8:54 pace) 10th out of 32
Total 1:37

I placed tenth out of 32 in my division. I just seemed to have run out of steam. It was a disappointing day and a long drive home.


At 2:28 PM, Blogger Jael said...

Is this Vikki???


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